Breakthrough Art begins with my own personal journey. Up until 1998 my art was simply my favorite thing to do. To sell a painting was always nice but I gave as many away. It was the expression itself I enjoyed. Then I was introduced to the concept of prophetic art.I had operated in the prophetic gift for 30 years. To couple that with art was astounding to me.Most of the paintings here were done during times of worship at different conferences and meetings I was in and often invited to for the purpose of painting, teaching and ministry.Prophetic painting is expressing through paint and canvas what God is revealing by the Holy Spirit to me. There is the act of worship while painting inspirational art and prophetic art. They are both valid expressions, but prophetic art has a unique message and impact.I hope you enjoy the journey through the next few pages and I pray that you will find my art annointed and be blessed by them.
My husband and I have pastored an Assembly of God church, Cloud 9 Worship Center, for over 30 years. I thoroughly enjoy all the excitement and challenges that brings.In the past, my art was always something I did when I found the time. During the years that I taught school I was able to use that creativity and often was called upon to teach art. I felt at the time that that was the extent of my art even though the desire was so much greater than the time I was able to give to it.Serving alongside my husband in the church as Associate Pastor, Worship Leader, and so many other areas as needed, plus raising two beautiful girls that are now serving in ministry, there was not always a lot of time to paint. Because of my love for it, I want to thank my husband who often took the initiative to create time for me to paint and has faithfully remained my biggest fan and supporter.My art has now become a vehicle I can minister through. It has been very fulfilling when people share with me what they "see" when they view my paintings. God speaks to us all the time in so many different ways. To think now He can speak to people through my art is thrilling to me. Thank you for visiting my site. It is my hope that after you have viewed these "encounters with God" expressed through my painting that you will leave seeing a little differently.